
What’s going on?


Dear Parents,

Spring 2018 can seem so distant until we realize there is less than 10 days until the new year. Change happens slowly, and then all at once, you realize it’s all coming together just the way you hoped it would just the way it’s meant to be. That’s how we feel at Atelier Kids Early Learning Centre, located in Bloor West Village. Like the time you welcomed your child home, we, too, are excitedly preparing our home for their arrival.

Grand Opening of Reggio-Inspired Daycare in Toronto

We eagerly await Spring 2018 as we carefully plan the exciting Grand Opening of Atelier Kids, your Reggio-inspired childcare centre in High Park.  As you pass by 15 Oakmount Road it may look a bit like it did the last time you passed by.  So much is happening behind the scenes, inside the home, and at a feverish pace.

We are interviewing teachers and potential staff members while we collaborate with the Ministry of Education to assemble our Program and Vision Statement.  We’ve built relationships with local colleges, universities and schools to expand our pool of resources on which to fuel our inspirations, and have gathered materials for provocations within the Atelier to actively engage the children.  Selected and then gathered from architects and interior designers we know, the lush fabrics of silk and rich woven tapestry, wood, marble, granite and stone offer a vibrant melange of colours and textures from nature, which we are confident will inspire curiosity and lead children down paths of discovery.  We have also set up a community library in front of our school.  Sketching ideas and collaborating opinions for murals and art installations are also in the works.  Our team of educators are so excited to start moving in and integrating into our community!

Toronto Daycare Centre — Our Philosophy

We are deepening and further solidifying our practice through hours of continued research and extensive study of the Reggio philosophy.  The Atelier Team is traveling back to Italy soon, to the city of Reggio Emilia where it all originated, to take part in a week-long professional development conference.  The Reggio Emilia approach that we align ourselves with is an ever-evolving, community-based inspiration that we look forward to adapting to our home community of High Park and Bloor West Village.

We will also be reaching out to all of the families on our waitlist in the early spring 2018 with next steps around registration, once we have a confirmed opening date to share. Keep an eye on our Facebook page, where  we will be bringing you FB LIVE posts on the progression of Atelier Kids. And as always, we are only a phone call or email away should you have any questions leading up to the opening.  

Wishing you and your family a heart-warming holiday season with the ones you love and feel inspired by.


Your city of Toronto daycare Bernadette & the Atelier Kids Team