
Atelier Kids – February 2019 eNews Updates Progress Inside and Out!



Atelier Kids is your source for everything childcare. We believe each child is born creative, intuitive, resourceful, and with a strong potential for development from a very young age.

We want to share with you our progress in developing the centre, provide insights into innovative storybooks and toys, share creative ideas from our atelier, and give a shout-out to a community event that’s likely to pique your interest.

We’re glad you’re here…

Brick-by-Brick: The building of our centre

Progress…inside and out!
Many of you follow us on social media and many of you count on our email updates, too. To our loyal followers, this may be a recap of what you’ve already seen but to all of the friends of Atelier Kids, these updates bear repeating!

Construction continues to progress, but never quickly enough for us! The exterior scaffolding has recently been in place in order for the stucco work to be completed. Understandably so, the winter cold, snow, ice and wind have tested our contractors in their efforts to successfully stay on schedule. The plumbers are on deck as they begin to implement the design of the washrooms, install hand dryers, and confirm proper measurements and appropriate distances for all plumbing installations. Washrooms and kitchen area aside, the fantastically beautiful and extremely functional trough sinks (pictured above) have arrived for our sensory tables in each classroom. No space is left untouched by the team of plumbing engineers!

Atelier Kids is hiring! Our Leadership Team is hard at work, too, as we continue to assemble our full staff. Welcome to Indira Fajardo, our newly hired Atelier Kids Director. (Read more about Indira HERE). As we build our team of educators, we pore through dozens of CVs on a daily basis in our efforts to build the premier team we have in mind.

In addition to seeking out an incredible staff, we searched for and found an incredibly innovative Ontario Woodworker, Jennifer to collaborate with in the design and creation of wooden toys, play structures and fantastically progressive mud kitchens for outdoor play. Jennifer is an exceptional gem that we are so inspired to share ideas with and help bring them to life in the form of her beautiful craftsmanship. (Learn more about Jennifer HERE).

Our Team is coming together day-by-day and the preparations inside and out are taking place at a feverish pace; together as we build Atelier Kids..brick-by-brick!

AK Curiosity Corner

Lilly Esther Conquers the Worries

by Phyllis Bordo

Do you worry, worry, and worry some more?

Lilly Esther sure does. She worries about monsters under the bed and about nights being too dark. If it can happen, Lilly Esther is worried about it.

So many new things are introduced daily into our kids’ lives which is why we love this book by Toronto author, Phyllis Bordo who helps kids overcome fears and explore ways of coping with anxiety.






Inside the Atelier:
Joan C. Bowman, Atelierista

As the Atelierista, (or Artist-In-Residence) at Atelier Kids, I am a member of the leadership team passionately working through details to assist our families as they learn about, consider, and enroll their child at Atelier Kids. As a Graphic Designer, I create effective communication for our parents, for our educators, and for the Ministry, as in this photo. Our Parent Guidebook is under review at the Ministry as part of our licensing requirements. I hope you’ll not only appreciate the information in the guidebook, but also enjoy reading the information presented. — joan.







Community Spotlight:


Winter Stations
Outdoor Art Installations from Kew to Balmy Beach

February – April
Is it ever too cold for the beach? This kid-friendly, free-outdoor event is just a bit out of our High Park community, but worth the short trip. An international design competition, Winter Stations chooses a topical theme that is open to multiple interpretations and exhibits as temporary art space at Woodbine Beach. This year’s theme, Migration, the movement from one region to another and often back again.

“… they play, they run, they chase, they hide between the spaces…”
– 2019 winner The Forest of Butterflies (pictured above, learn more)



Insight into Pedagogy:
Alison Randall, Pedagogista

Check your mailbox March 1st for the next issue of the local magazine, “Neighbours of Bloor West Village”. Our monthly articles give added insight into the studies we are engaged in as we prepare for the centre’s opening. This month, I present Part II of our “Risky Play” exploration at the KOLTS outdoor education centre. I hope you enjoy reading about our lovely, inspiring day outdoors! — alison.