Author: Bernadette Testani

  • High Park’s Reggio-Inspired Daycare is Making (floor) Plans!

    You’ve seen the progress outside and, although we can’t yet walk you through the inside, here’s a sneak peek into the plans of what we’ve got in store. It won’t be long until we begin to schedule our Hard Hat Tours with you to tour the Reggio-inspired childcare centre that is Atelier Kids in High…

  • Keeping the Spark Alive!

    Keeping the Spark Alive!

    [et_pb_section bb_built=”1″][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text] Love and Romance!  It’s hard not to get swept away on Valentine’s Day with all the red hearts, chocolates, and flowers around Toronto this week before we celebrate Cupid.  Music, flowers and sipping champagne with chocolate-dipped-strawberries would set the typical heart aflutter—except perhaps the parents of a toddler with a second child…

  • Daycare Decision: Which Approach is Best for Your Child?

    Daycare Decision: Which Approach is Best for Your Child?

    Choices . . . you love to have choices, don’t you? Apple or Android? Adidas or Lulu? But sometimes choice can be daunting. At Atelier Kids Early Learning & Care in High Park, we know you’re weighing all of your options to confidently make a decision that will improve your day-to-day life and the development…

  • On your marks! Get set!….Go Slowly When Choosing Your Child’s Care

    On your marks! Get set!….Go Slowly When Choosing Your Child’s Care

    The whirlwind of activity after having a child is joyful and lively, always a new adventure around every corner.  Moments quickly turn into days and those days turn into months.  It feels like you and your partner just found out that you’re expecting and now you’re in the race to figure out child care after…

  • Bye-Bye Boredom!

    Bye-Bye Boredom!

    Our kids, just like us, get bored when they’re doing something they’re not interested in.  The younger the child, the shorter the attention span, so we need to keep them entertained as much as possible. Or not.  It’s okay to be bored.  Daydreaming and contemplation often yield creativity and inspiration.  The challenge is, as adults,…

  • What’s going on?

    What’s going on?

    Dear Parents, Spring 2018 can seem so distant until we realize there is less than 10 days until the new year. Change happens slowly, and then all at once, you realize it’s all coming together just the way you hoped it would — just the way it’s meant to be. That’s how we feel at…

  • 5 Success Tips for Managing the Holidays

    5 Success Tips for Managing the Holidays

    Stress is a Contagious Bug Your Kids Can Also Catch The stress response to the holiday season starts to ramp up just after Halloween. Candy bags are gone (dentist appointments scheduled), and out come the holiday decorations and the pressure to get a plan in place. Perhaps you are starting to worry about your budget.…

  • What is a Reggio Emilia inspired Childcare Centre?

    What is a Reggio Emilia inspired Childcare Centre?

    The world has changed dramatically in a short period of time. Technological advances will continue to reshape our world in ways that we could never have imagined. Our children represent the first generation of children that have access to as much if not more knowledge than the parents. Therefore, we need to prepare our children…