We offer early learning & care for children 18 months to 6 years of age
Our program runs full days from 7:30 am to 6:00 pm daily, all year round. Educators, with support from our Atelierista (Artist-in-Residence) and Pedagogista (Educational Consultant), join children on their explorations of movement, urban gardening, forest play, construction, and imaginative play (drawing, painting, and sculpting).
What is ‘time’ at Atelier Kids Early Learning Centre?
Time is valued in the Reggio approach for the opportunities it provides rather than providing a rigid structure to be adhered to.
Children and educators build up strong relationships as they stay together for longer periods of time. The educators really get to know the children which supports learning.
Time to be, time to meet, time to play and think, reflect, talk, listen, rest and eat together. Children learn the value of relationships, and are better prepared for primary school.
Richer Experiences
Children can spend long periods of time on learning experiences of interest. If an experience really engages them, they can revisit it and consolidate their understanding.
A typical day in the life of Atelier Kids
There are only a few fixed times in the day – the start of the morning/afternoon session, meals, and the time the children leave. The times below are general guidelines. This allows for long periods of engaged activities without strict arbitrary timelines. We also get the children out in the community and do regular field trips to places of interest including parks, libraries and any other locations that flows from the children’s journeys of learning.
7:30 – 9:30 am
Children arrive and play freely. A snack is provided for those children that arrive early. The children will have time to play with children from other classrooms during drop off and get to know the other educators outside of their classroom, fostering stronger relationships. This can be a difficult time so we support our new families that are transitioning but ask that they make the drop-off short n’sweet, and to be patient as every child transitions differently. Work with your educators and lean on them for help. They are the experts!
9:30 am
Children arrive and play freely. A snack is provided for those children that arrive early. The children will have time to play with children from other classrooms during drop off and get to know the other educators outside of their classroom, fostering stronger relationships. This can be a difficult time so we support our new families that are transitioning but ask that they make the drop-off short n’sweet, and to be patient as every child transitions differently. Work with your educators and lean on them for help. They are the experts!
9:45 – 11:30 am
Students begin to work on projects independently in small groups or with educators in small groups. There are either two or three educators in every classroom which allows for the educators to help guide learning rather than direct it. On many days, the Atelierista & Pedagogista may also weave in and out of the classrooms to provide guidance to both educators and children. Time out of doors is included as much as possible.
11:30 am
This is time to get ready for lunch. Educators call for the children to wash up and meet together to share experiences about the morning activities, set up tables and lay out sleeping cots and blankets.
11:45 am
Lunch begins and children are allowed ample time to enjoy their healthy and delicious meal without rushing. The children and educators enjoy this time together.
12:30 pm
As the children are finished with lunch, they will be excused to prepare for rest.They wash up, and lie down on their cots and settle down which takes about 15 minutes or so. Those children that can’t fall asleep are directed towards quiet activities. Soft music is typically playing in the background and the shades are drawn. Educators take advantage of this quiet time to have lunch, reflect on the morning, to document the children’s activities and also share special moments with parents through our parent communication app.
2:30 pm
By this time most children have awoken or are gently roused to join the group for a healthy snack.
3:00 pm
Children are encouraged to work on their morning projects or are invited to a new learning experience. The groups of children may change at this time and children are welcomed to try different activities until they find one that engages them fully. Again, time out of doors takes place.
4:00 – 6:00 pm
Pick up begins. Parents are apprised of their child’s activities prior to picking up their child, through the childcare app, and enjoy reuniting at the end of the day.

Thoughtful Transitions
Moving children through different classrooms and programs is an exciting adventure. We endeavour to keep the children grouped together with their friends as they grow and advance from classroom to classroom.
Our program welcomes children that are 18 months to 6 years of age.
Children with Special Rights / Special Needs
We foster a culture of respect that values differences. Our environment is set up to identify individual’s special rights and needs. When required, we liaise with other professionals to provide the required support, so that the child and their family can achieve their goals. If we cannot meet the family’s goals, we will do our best to facilitate another solution.